Diabetes is a huge problem in the Western world and to a lesser degree in the developing nations.
There are no real cures but there are various treatments that help to reduce the problem and alleviate the side effects of having a too high blood sugar level.
The best advice for anyone with diabetes type II is to exercise more, lose weight and have a healthy diet.
Scammers take advantage of the frustration and desperation felt by many with life changing diabetes, who struggle to get to the ideal weight and have a healthy diet.
A latest such scam message includes a fake video clip and the usual scammer language.
e.g. “Learn The secret Pinch Method” – but then claims 190,00 people already use it, so not such a secret really.
“There is no doubt the $370 billion diabetes industry does not want you to see this”. But diabetes treatment sales in the years to 2020 were only around $25 billion per year so the scammer’s figure is made up.
“Watch the video now before Big Pharma takes it down”. No. Just the usual dose of conspiracy theory.
Sadly, there is no magic pinch that resets your blood sugar instantly. The body’s blood sugar management system is very complex and a simple pinch will have no effect.
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