Category: Health remedy

Is Your Brain leaky?

This is a recently popular scam topic which tries to convince everybody they have a leaky brain and ned help in fixing that leak.

Researchers at the University of Southern California  recently discovered leaky brain”

“If you’re over 30 then it’s 99% likely you have a leaky brain”.

That is a made-up statistic as there is no such thing as leaky brain despite some pill pushing scammers trying to make people believe it’s real.

 To make people believe they have such a problem, the emails list common symptoms such as forgetting where your glasses are or losing your wallet or forgetting appointments.

These are a normal part of life and not leaky brains.

There is supposedly lots of science behind this claim, but it’s rubbish – the science referred to is about rats with specific problems and does not apply to humans in any way.

Ignore this rubbish.

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Stupidest Scam of the Week Raspberries

Another magic way to remove all unwanted belly fat and achieve effortless weight loss without any need to diet.

This one uses raspberries.

Humans have been eating raspberries for a very long time and no-one has ever believed they cause massive almost instantaneous weight loss till this scammer “Coach Travis” came along.

“It can torch unwanted fat overnight”

“Lose 10 pounds in 10 days”

“Lose that weight no matter what your diet is”

To get this magic effect you just have to eat a quarter bowl of raspberries then do the magic ritual.

The scammer of course sells access to that magic ritual that supposedly makes all the difference.

You can just imagine a scammer sitting at her PC enjoying a bowl of raspberries thinking how can I convince people to believe my ridiculous story about raspberries then realising that she couldn’t be bothered and would send out the rubbish message as it was.


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The Diabetes Tree

This is another of the supposed magical diabetes cure scams.

It’s somewhat more dramatic than most e.g. “They were scheduled to saw off Kelsey’s leg in a matter of days”.

Her doctors worried a coma was next

And so on.

But the star of the story travelled to Arizona to a house he had never seen and there in the backyard was a non-descript little tree.

You can see this is written like a fairy story, but by an idiot.

The story continues “But the man soon discovered the tree was extremely rare and that people in India have used its properties for thousands of years to cure diabetes”.

In fact, India has a very high rate of diabetes so the country is not a good example of where to look for a cure for diabetes.

Finally, the scammer claims that more than 20,000 American have been cured by this tree’s bark – but also that it’s a secret.

If I wanted to keep something secret – I wouldn’t tell 20,000 people about it.

It’s all pathetic.

Never trust magical remedies and strange things found by ‘ordinary’ folks. Trust your doctor instead.

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Stupidest Scam or Spam of the Week Mega Anti-Oxidant

5000 times stronger than vitamins A, C and E combined” is a scammer’s tagline.

Vitamins are naturally occurring and we need certain amounts of them to make our bodies run efficiently.

Lots of people have health issues that can be helped by ensuring adequate vitamins in their food and some people just p=have poor diets so need vitamin supplements.

However all vitamins can be harmful in large quantities

e.g. taking as little 5 times the recommended amount of vitamin A can lead to liver damage, bone loss, hair loss and more. Taking several times the recommended does of vitamin E increases the chances of stroke and death.

Even relatively safe vitamin C can cause medical problems if over dosed.

So, something 5000 times stronger than vitamins A, C and E combined would absolutely be lethal.

The scammer also claims that this new ‘nutrient’ will rewind time on your cells to make you younger again.

The scam is a mixture of misunderstood science and fantasy and a lot of exaggeration.

Never never trust unsolicited emails offering a magic remedy – they are either non-existent or potentially dangerous.

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What is Jesus Oil?

There are a variety of scams claiming secret knowledge from the Bible to heal ailments and one of the most common is “Jesus Oil” or “The Oil of God”..

The emails claim that Jesus used a special type of cannabis oil, known as Kaneh-bosm, to cure various debilitating illnesses.

There isn’t really any secret in this as for thousands of years people all over the world have used plant based medicines including sometimes extracting oil to make a more concentred form of the medicine. This process is far more advanced nowadays but essential oils are still extracted by the same though more sophisticated  version of the method.

These oils and their various chemical components have been known to science for a long time and some are the active ingredients in modern medicine. Some are anti-bacterial such as Cypress and such are inflammatory or pain relievers such as Frankincense and Juniper and so on.

What the scammers are actually selling is  either their own poor quality version of the medicinal oils or often nothing – you pay and receive nothing.

Before buying any such products – do always check on their effectiveness and don’t be swayed by claims of Godlike powers, Jesus or other religious connections.

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How Come Celebrities Stay So Skinny?

One of the country’s top addiction specialists just shared a shocking secret with the public”.

That’s the tagline to get you interested in the scam email.

It goes on about a single hormone causing addiction, but that no-one ever talks about.

“This secret has nothing to do with drugs”.

“And while no-one in weight loss ever talks about it”.

This is just the scammer’s fantasy.

Then the sales pitch is that a specialist has found a way to silence the craving hormone, leading to some “shocking” results e.g. a woman who lost 52 pounds.

The scammer invoked the idea of celebrities in the email title so goes on to state that celebrities learn this secret by paying tens of thousands of dollars – but you can know it now by clicking the link below.

It’s all rubbish of course – there are endless fat celebrities even though the industry of celebrity tries to push them to be skinny and those that are skinny typically make money by publishing their diet tips etc.

Just another pathetic scammer.

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