Author: comptroller

Three Tools That Block Online Tracking

A lot of our activities online are tracked by a variety of organisations. The various tools described below operate in different ways and none can guarantee to eliminate 100% of trackers so it’s trying them to see if they suit what you want.

Sometimes this is just so they can display relevant adverts or to offer location specific answers (e.g. local restaurants), sometimes to learn about their customers and sometimes for less acceptable reasons. However, if should be our choice how much is tracked – not the software makers and users.


This has a large database of tracking entities i.e. software that will track you. You install the browser add-on then it can detect these entities and block them as you browse.

On each website, Ghostery displays a list of trackers from that site in the upper right corner of the screen.. You can then go to the settings page and block individual trackers or block all trackers.

The browser add-on is available for the most browsers.


The browser add-on blocks trackers as it finds them, but allows requests that it considers to be necessary for loading content.

Disconnect detects trackers based on the number of requests they’ve made for your information, and displays them in one of four categories: advertising, analytics, social and content. You can choose to block or allow each tracker.

Privacy Badger

This tool is belongs to the Electronic Frontier Foundation and uses an algorithm to “learn” which social or ad networks are tracking you over time.

It initially allows third-party trackers until it detects patterns in third-party requests. Then it will start automatically blocking what it considers “non-consensual invasions of people’s privacy”. This approach may mean the tool identifies new trackers more quickly than its competition but it takes longer to be effective.

Privacy Badger is available for Google Chrome and Firefox.

You can see these tools operate in a different manner, all attempting to block online tracing without stopping anything you find useful.

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SCARS Campaigns Against Scams


The Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams (SCARS) claims to represent more than 25,000 people, dedicated to changing the world of online fraud for the sake of everyone.  They have been conducting large campaigns since 2017.

SCARS say they are committed to doing everything possible to eradicate the plague of online scams.

The campaigns aim to enlist the public’s help in providing direct information in the local community. They are asking SCARS Members to begin organizing opportunities in their towns and communities to inform and expand awareness about romance scams and other forms of fraud.

SCARS asks those that are interested, once they are approved for participation in the Campaign, to contact local community organizations, from schools to civic groups, private clubs, and even work with your local police, to better educate your fellow residents about these severe crimes and how they affect us all.

SCARS will provide you with a complete training kit that will help you learn more, and that you will use in conducting these presentations. The materials are designed to provide a 30 to 45 minute presentation, and allow for additional time for questions and answers. This will make it easy to cover the right information, regardless of your knowledge or experience. This helps you make a huge difference in the safety of your local community.

The SCARS™ Act Against Scams™ Campaign Kit consists of:

  • Introduction Brochure – for attendees
  • Introduction graphics to promote your presentation (can be used on social media)
  • Introduction Video – to allow you to promote your presentation (cane be used on social media)
  • Official PowerPoint Presentation
  • Presenters’ Guide
  • How To Report Online Crime Guide
  • An Official SCARS Presenter ID Card

All of the above are provided for you without cost, for download by the Campaign participant, and can be emailed to the entity or organization that will host your presentation. If you are producing significant results, SCARS may provide additional materials, including signs, etc.

They will also provide support to promote your events, and a webpage where interested persons can sign up for your presentations. This will also provide a means for you to follow up with the attendees for your presentations, enabling future local victims’ support.

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Threats To Get Back Links

Some Scammers will threaten you to create their backlinks or else.

People try all sorts of tactics to get back links to their websites or blogs. Often they are paid by someone to get those links because the more backlinks there are to your website –  probably the higher the website appears on search lists. So, legitimate companies do this but also scammers.

A lot of people do this for perfectly respectable reasons as they want people to see their website or blog but the scammers are in a hurry and use more nasty approaches, sometimes including threats.

An email from Billie Clancy claims he works for Bizcope SEO company in Bangladesh i.e. a company that among other things will try to get backlinks for websites.

He requests a backlist and a 5 star rating for his company on GMB and Trustpilot and offers to provide a backlink to our website in return.

Then he gets nasty

If I do not see a backlink within 7 days then I am create one million toxic blog spam to you”

Then he signs off with “Best Wishes from Bangladesh”.

Maybe he is schizophrenic or just plain stupid.

Never provide backlinks to websites you do not know and trust as you do not want to be linked to criminal’s despicable and often illegal websites

If you have any experiences with these scams do let me know, by email

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