There are many scammers who use people’s fear of diabetes to get them to agree to stupid offers.
The email title is “The two worst lies that your doctor tells”.
This is a standard scammer’s appeal to the idea of conspiracies, which seems to work best in the USA.
Then “This man’s blood sugar went from 1,200 to 120 in a matter of weeks”.
There are no units listed with the numbers, so the numbers are meaningless and it’s obvious that a blood sugar that drops by 90% is wrong. The numbers appear to be just random numbers that the scammer thinks look good.
Next the scammer claims this method will cure diabetes entirely in a short time and doesn’t require any drugs or even diet improvements.
Can you imagine someone living on a high fat high sugar diet but with perfect health – pass the mars bars in batter and the deep-fried pizza to go with the buckets of ice cream and donuts.
No thanks.
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