The Expert Bets Scam

An email pops up titled something like “The Betting Experts team”.

But it’s from which means it’s a scam as “.faith” internet addresses are obviously meant for Churches and other faith organisations. Betting does not qualify.

The email says
“ I’m so glad you opened this.

The Betting Experts have just opened their doors to new members and you don’t want to miss out.

These guys consistently bring in$120,000 – $160,000 per year – and it’s no surprise with their combined expertise”

It goes on to promise you can make $2,400 in your first week. And they have just 50 spots to release.

So, it’s a typical “Something for nothing” scam but in fact you get nothing for your money.

There’s lots of ways they can make money out of this – the simplest being to take your money and provide nothing but the more cunning ones do give you something, in order to get more from you.

Imagine you pay just a starter fee and in return get a list of winning bets to make each week. If you lose then tough luck but if you win, then you have to pay them 10%

Sounds like you can’t lose. Of course you can as it’s really only they who cannot lose.

The recommended bets are just random chance – you can do better on your own.

And paying them 10% if you win – is money for nothing.

No wonder they claim to make $120,000 – $160,00 per year. It’s from idiots who buy into their scheme where the only winners are the scammers.

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Fightback Ninja Signature

Fact Checking Websites

It’s not difficult to build a website that copies or is similar to an established news website — and it’s easy to then post from it onto social media to encourage people to click to get to what they think is a reputable web site but may be the opposite.

Information can spread really fast but not as fast as conspiracy theories and fake news.

There is so much fake news, misinformation and conspiracy theory  around and it’s up to each of us to filter the ‘information’ we take in. Judge everything in it’s context and how trustworthy the source is.

Anyone can publish anything they want subject to libel laws.

Here are some sites that can help identify the truth in amongst the dross and lies.

The BBC Reality Check

This is quality journalism looking at recent claims by high profile figures and analysing the truth or lack of in their statements.

The BBC say “Worried about a story you’ve seen online or on social media? BBC Reality Check is a BBC News service dedicated to clearing up fake news and false stories to find the truth. Examining the facts and claims behind a story to try to determine whether or not it is true”.

Snopes    (

Probably the oldest fact-checking site online is Snopes, which has been fact-checking weird stories since before Google had a search engine. They have a long record of being unbiased, showing their work, and keeping up the irreverent tone that true internet nerds love. They’re also great for everything from urban myths to political statements. (

If one of your hobbies is fact-checking the things politicians say, then can be a big help. The site is a non-partisan “‘consumer advocate’ for voters” that monitors and checks the things people in politics say in “TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases.”

Politifact (

Politifact is another one for fact-checking what politicians say.

Washington Post Fact Checker (

Plenty of expert analysis alongside the fact-checking.  The publication tends to lean liberal, but this tool has a reputation for being non-partisan. They also have a funny Pinocchio graphic that gauges just how big the lie really is.

If you have any experiences with these scams do let me know, by email.

Fightback Ninja Signature

Ransomware as a Service

Software as a Service (SaaS) is common and is where companies or individuals pay a subscription to access software rather than actually buying it. This is how Microsoft 365 works – you pay a monthly or annual subscription to use Microsoft Office on your devices.

Unfortunately, criminals are now treating ransomware like this – with some criminal setups letting scammers make use of their ransomware for a subscription charge.

This makes it easier for the scammers who are less computer literate as they don’t need to make or buy the ransomware software.

The Coveware 2020 report shows that ransomware attacks have increased by 25 percent from Q4 2019 to Q1 2020. The monetary value of the average ransom payment has also increased from an average ransom of $41,198 to $84,116.

Ransomware is malware that once it gets onto a computer system encrypts information files and then issues a demand for a ransom to be paid or the decryption key to unlock those files will not be provided.

Payment is often demanded in Bitcoin or other untraceable methods.

Once infected with ransomware, it is very difficult for the victims to save their data and recently, these criminals have started to publish the information they find, onto the Internet as a way of embarrassing the owners and trying to force them to pay the ransom.

All computer systems should be protected against ransomware by the standard practices of

  1. Making regular backups of all important files
  2. Taking backups off site
  3. Keeping anti malware up to date and installed on every device.
  4. Maintain firewalls and all other protections against intrusion

If you have any experiences with these scams do let me know, by email.

Fightback Ninja Signature

Fake IDs

We all see criminals on TV shows and movies going to suspicious characters to have fake passports, driving licences, IDs etc. created for them.

Nowadays there are many companies on the Internet openly selling fake IDs – you may have seen adverts for these and wondered how this can be legal.

The companies advertise openly but their websites make it clear that the documents faked are for fun and entertainment only and many even warn that they must not be used to deceive anyone.

So that’s the get out clause.

  1. Is it illegal or immoral for people to buy and use these fakes?

That depends on the situation – if you use a fake ID to play a joke on a relative or friend or something similar then no harm done but clearly if you’re underage and use a fake document to access alcohol then you are breaking the law.

Likewise with similar use of other documents and claiming it was just for fun won’t go down well with the Police.

These companies are engaged in activities they know will lead to cheating, so don’t support them.

If you have any experiences with these scams do let me know, by email.

Fightback Ninja Signature