Category: Spam

Chinese Spam Messages

You may receive emails in Chinese with a random sprinkling of long numbers, long number and letter combinations and occasional English words such as Instagram or Twitter.

Has the world switched to Chinese for international communication?


These are typically spam messages, but often are selling the sort of services that spammers and scammers buy.

If interested, you can translate the messages easily online using Google translate or similar free service.

The messages contain offers such as “multi email content, multi email subject, random intelligent combination, staggered rotation of corporate email exchanges”.

This is offering services whereby the purchaser (scammer or spammer) provides a basic email message in a series of segments and the service ‘intelligently’ mixes up the segments per email message it sends out, uses a number of exchanges to send the messages, makes them look as if sent one at a time, changes the email title randomly and so on.  This is all designed to ensure the scammers or spammers messages get through to the unlucky recipients without being caught in spam filters by the recipients Internet provider or the recipients email service.

This is legal though clearly objectionable.

If you receive such email messages in Chinese – just delete them as they are spam.

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Fightback Ninja Signature

Stupidest Scam of The Week – Chinese Emails

An email from a Chinese company that is “glad to know that you are looking for toroidal choke coils and transformers for your products”.

I don’t think local radio stations typically sell equipment containing industrial transformers.

Mr Tang seems to have a problem knowing which company he works for.

The email is from but the signature on the message is from Only one letter difference but that makes for separate companies.

He is proud of his products “Out products have acquired such certificates as UL, CE, CQC 7 RoHS”

It doesn’t say they actually have any certificates but that they have such as …

Just a typical strange email claiming to be from a Chinese company.

Do not reply.

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