Category: Health remedy

You Won’t Believe The Stupidity Of This Scam About a Magic Substance

Some scammers go to a lot of trouble to present a story, however ridiculous it is, in the hope you will believe it and want to know more.

Some others go for the opposite approach of starting a story but with no contents – leaving the reader to make up perhaps what they would like it to be about.

This latest one is titled “joke’s on them. The elite thought they had destroyed all of the evidence of this device”.

The sender’s email address is ‘Orgone Motor’ so perhaps the sender read about Wilhelm Reich and his theories of orgone energy or more likely the sender just thought it was a good word to use regardless of any historical meaning it might have.

Any theories about orgone have long since been discredited as ravings as Reich mixed up all sorts of ideas prevalent in the early 20th century.

The point of the email is to get people to click to watch a video – as that will be how the scammer makes money.

The message does not say anything about what the machine does or how it works, just that the inventor once tried to send a piece of it out of state and was immediately sentenced to 2 years in jail.

Everyone knows there’s nothing immediate about the legal system, so that’s as made up as the rest of the story.

All rubbish, to be ignored. Never click to watch videos unless you know wat they are and who sent you the link.

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Would You Believe the Joint Pain Secret?

This is another typical fantasy health cure offered by a greedy scammer.

“The real core cause of joint pain, chronic arthritis, stiffness and bone problems… but it’s not looking pretty.”

“The real reason why your joints hurt like hell is deep hidden inside a core area of your body, but it’s not your arms or legs….”

So, some ‘crazy’ doctors have supposedly found a secret place inside the body and it causes all the problems to do with your joints.

Perhaps the scammer has been playing ‘Operation’ game too much and thinks she’s found something that real doctors don’t know about.

The scammer claims to have found the real cause of joint pains, so now she can offer the world a magic cure, but she also warns that ‘pharmaceutical conglomerates’ are threatening to imprison her to stop her spreading the truth.

Some people like conspiracy theories but surely no-one in their right mind would believe this level of rubbish?

Finally she says that ‘This is helping 3,419 men and women every day stop their pain’.

If there was anything genuine in this then the whole world would be very eager to see it. Of course it doesn’t exist – only a greedy stupid scammer.

If you have any experiences with these scams do let me know, by email.

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The Dumbest Russian Weight Loss Plan

New versions of magic weight loss remedies keep turning up.

This latest one is called the “Russian Weight Loss Method” and of course according to the scammer has been a secret for nearly 200 years.

It is claimed to be a naturally occurring substance from a very remote part of Russia and is “The greatest discovery of modern science” so of course everyone has seen it on the news across the world.

Nope? Maybe because it doesn’t exist, except in the mind of a scammer.

You simply put 3 ounces of this magic ingredient in your glass of water and you will lose 2 pounds in an evening.

This is apparently the secret of Russian Olympic athletes for generations, and we had been thinking it was illegal drugs instead.

So, you drink the stuff then sit about for the evening and somehow 2 pounds of body fat disappears – sounds quite disgusting. Or maybe if you fall asleep you’d wake up to see 2 pounds of your body fat all over the floor.


Not quite believable.

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Stupidest Spam of the Week Alzheimer’s Word

Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease, suffered by millions across the world.

There are drugs that help but nothing yet that can reverse the damage to the brain caused by Alzheimer’s so scammers invent their own ridiculous miracles – exotic plant extracts from the Himalayas, minerals from the Atacama desert, strange North American Indian rituals or Japanese folklore remedies etc.

All lies, perpetrated by greedy evil scammers trying to make money from other people’s suffering.

There have also been a series of such emails claiming that there are quick simple ways to diagnose Alzheimer’s, such as by reading out a piece of text or walking in a certain way etc.

This latest set of scam messages claim “This breakthrough discovery is causing riots among brain doctors”.

It claims there is a single word and anyone who says it in a specific way will show Alzheimer’s symptoms and lose their memory within 4 weeks.

It’s obviously untrue – just a scammer’s way to get you to click a link to watch a random video as the scammer gets paid for finding people to click it.

Evil scammers.

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Stupidest Spam of the Week Fat Burning Coffee

There are endless magic ingredients offered by scammers that supposedly create weight loss – normally without any effort or exercise or even restricting your diet.

Clearly these are all lies, invented by scammers to get your money and/or personal details.

This latest one has the title ‘The death of black coffee’.

It involves a ‘weird trick’ which is common for many of these scams.

It claims that one tiny tweak to your morning coffee puts your body into fat burning mode all day and it takes less than ten seconds.

There are nice photos of hot coffee drinks.

So, this trick is supposed to ‘ignite your metabolism’. No doctor or responsible person would describe a real product using that phrase. Anything that did ‘ignite your metabolism’ would be extremely dangerous as it would mean pushing your body temperature up significantly.

There is a link to click to get the ten second trick.

Never never click on such links in unsolicited emails as it encourages these criminals and you can only lose.

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