Would You Believe the Joint Pain Secret?

This is another typical fantasy health cure offered by a greedy scammer.

“The real core cause of joint pain, chronic arthritis, stiffness and bone problems… but it’s not looking pretty.”

“The real reason why your joints hurt like hell is deep hidden inside a core area of your body, but it’s not your arms or legs….”

So, some ‘crazy’ doctors have supposedly found a secret place inside the body and it causes all the problems to do with your joints.

Perhaps the scammer has been playing ‘Operation’ game too much and thinks she’s found something that real doctors don’t know about.

The scammer claims to have found the real cause of joint pains, so now she can offer the world a magic cure, but she also warns that ‘pharmaceutical conglomerates’ are threatening to imprison her to stop her spreading the truth.

Some people like conspiracy theories but surely no-one in their right mind would believe this level of rubbish?

Finally she says that ‘This is helping 3,419 men and women every day stop their pain’.

If there was anything genuine in this then the whole world would be very eager to see it. Of course it doesn’t exist – only a greedy stupid scammer.

If you have any experiences with these scams do let me know, by email.

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