There are large numbers of people who work at home as writers, consultants, Marketeers, IT, sales, translators etc. but there is also a big demand for part time jobs that can be done at home without needing such specialised skills and knowledge.
These can include work such as article writing, cold calling, proof-reading, Internet research, customer service, data entry, social media, search engine optimisation and thousands of other opportunities.
Figures suggest that 95% of emails offering work from home are scams, so you need to be careful and check up as much as possible before signing up to any such offer.
One site with genuine work at home jobs is Working Mums at
Warning Signs
- Anything that seems too good to be true is likely to be a scam. People do not pay high wages for simple tasks to be done.
- They ask for money up-front, with the promise that you’ll make it back many times over. Unlikely.
- There is no personal contact – a job stuffing envelopes may not need an inter=view or any personal contact but anything more complicated does.
- They use a personal email account e.g. Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc. and their web site is not very professional or even non existent.
- The job description is vague means it’s a scam designed to suck in as many people as possible. People intending to pay for someone to do a job of work know what they want done and can describe it.
- There’s little available information about the company and the people who work there.
If you have any experiences with scammers, spammers or time-waster do let me know, by email.