Tag: telemarketer

How to Play the Telemarketer Game

We all get phone calls from telemarketers and scammers. The idea of the game is to waste as much of their time as possible. The more you waste – the less time they have to scam or waste other people’s time.

They normally start with something to get you answering questions e.g. how are you?

You can just say fine but no reason why you shouldn’t tell them half your life story – every illness you’ve ever had, how bad the NHS is, your local doctor, your kids or parents or friends illnesses, the weather. You get the point – talk about anything.

Then they get onto their script.

Answer some questions and ask more questions when you get the chance.

Your questions can be sensible or whatever comes to mind.

e.g. “My Aunt Milly said I shouldn’t talk to anyone who’s a Libra? Are you a Libra?”

 Awarding Yourself Points

Each minute spent on the phone 10 points
Getting caller to repeat part of the script 5 points
Getting answers to stupid questions 15 points
Changing the subject 50 points
Making the caller angry 100 points
Making the caller hang up 100 points

Have fun.

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