“I’ll show you how to grow several inches taller even if you stopped growing for a long time”. Nope – how could an adult possibly believe that some new magic formula can make them grow inches taller?
Yet another ‘incredible’ product off the American TV series Shark Tank. The sales pitch is ‘This fruit can help you get rid of a ton of grease from your body’. Very picturesque. The usual ridiculous scammer rubbish.
An email from taxpayeraccesspersonalsecureduserifo-GB55 which is obviously made up. There is an attached PDF file claimed to be a tax refund. No it isn’t. Just a virus infected fake.
And now a set of kitchen spices that will make you lose 40 lbs of fat in just 30 days. Only true if you eat nothing for the 30 days. Not the best diet.
There are millions of morons sending out streams of messages looking for work in web design, search engine optimisation and digital design. Some are at least well written, but many are simplistic and stupid. “I was examining your website and not able to find it on starting pages on Google”. “We are the best provider in optimisation in your area” and so on. The writer clearly has no idea of my websites, keywords or anything else and definitely no idea of what area I am based in. The email is from an AOL address so it’s just one person claiming to be a business. Pathetic.
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