The message title is “The Hidden Switch That Even Big Energy Execs Are Using”.
Sounds worth reading – but it isn’t.
It claims that recent documents have revealed the existence of a secret ‘switch’ in homes that can cut electricity consumption up to 79%.
The scam is obviously aimed at Americans but it also says that everyone in the world who is frustrated by how much they pay for electricity has the right to see this.
Now, all homes do actually have a switch that can reduce their electricity bills – it’s called the OFF switch.
Turn off your appliances, turn off the lights, turn off everything electrical and your bills will drop massively.
But that’s not the switch our scammer is talking about.
So, I’ve searched for this ‘hidden’ “secret’ switch.
Is it in the laundry basket? No
Is it in the cat’s litter tray? No.
Is it buried in the back garden? No.
Is it under the mattress in my bedroom? No.
Is it in the toilet cistern? No.
I give up. I cannot find it.
But then there is no such switch, just a criminal intent on finding the most gullible people to steal from.
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