Tag: family life

Simple Cyber Life

The website at www.simplecyberlife.com is about helping families to be safe online.

They say their mission is to empower parents with the ‘know-how’ to protect their families from online threats through video tutorials, step-by-step instructions, a discussion forum and personal coaching calls.

Jonny Pelter, the founder says “Today’s advice for how parents can protect themselves and their kids online is far too complicated, resulting in poor security for almost all families”. He says he got fed up and created SimpleCyberLife.com to fix that.

This site does charge for the personal assistance. Premium membership is £45 per year and VIP membership is £180 per year. There is a free membership available for people who are more technically savvy and the paid memberships are very much targeted at parents.

The paid memberships offer video help, phone support, access to private forums, coaching etc. even paid home visits are possible.

No way to tell if this is a successful business model yet but they are giving it a good shot.

It’s an interesting site and you may find it useful if you need direct assistance on keeping safe online and in particular keeping your kids safe online.

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