So, what rubbish emails and calls have there been to Brooklands Radio station in the last few days?
Star Magnet in China want me to open an attached file to review their discounts. No thanks – I don’t want any malware on my computer.
Derek Muller tells me “Power companies caught red handed power companies did not expect this”. The email is from which tells me it’s a scam from a very lazy person who couldn’t be bothered to make up a sensible sounding domain name.
United Lending Services want to give me a loan of u to #1,000,000 at 3% interest. I just to send by return a lot of confidential information. A simple phishing scam.
Jo Shaw has the answer – the science behind success. That there is a simple way to get everything you want in life. The scammer’s way is to promise what people want then take their money and give nothing of value in return.
A guaranteed solution to Arthritis. The Blue Heron cure gets rid of it within 21 days, supposedly. Arthritis is a family of medical problems with a variety of causes. There are medicines, foods and practices that can help to alleviate arthritis but no simple cure apart from joint replacement.
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