So, what rubbish emails and calls have there been to Brooklands Radio station in the last few days?
A moron claims she wants to send me a gun t-shirt while they are free, but she only has 23 left to give away. However I’ve seen this email lots of times with just a slightly different number to 23 and it’s from so she must be confused.
Sweepstakes Entry tells me “Congratulations.” “You are one of a select few chosen entered to win $500 at midnight tonight”. Nope – I’m one of many millions you are targeting with your pathetic scam.
- Harry wants to talk to me about a proposal which matches my profile. I don’t think so as I’ve never registered with any business at
An offer of extra money to make my business grow. However, it’s not from a finance company but from so is a scam.
Joe is offering an email advertising service proven to get new business leads and increase sales. His email is pathetically poor so not a very good advert for his business of selling adverts for other people. Get a new job Joe as you aint any good at this one.
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