Tag: reverse telephone number lookup

Cold Caller Number Lookup

It is estimated that each day, twelve million people in the UK receive one or more cold calls.

Have you received a scam call or an annoying cold call and wished you could register their phone number online to warn others about them?

Or do you want to know if a caller is a scammer or cold caller?

Go to www.badnumbers.co.uk   to check their number or register the caller’s number as ‘bad’.

Bad Numbers is a reverse telephone number lookup website and has collected over 20,000 ‘bad’ telephone numbers so far.

The website is very simple – you just type in a number and see if it is already registered. If not and you want to register it then you type in why and that’s about it.

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Who Called Me?

who_are_you_graphicIf you’re getting cold calls and want to know who they are from then this website may have the answer. who-called.co.uk

You type in the phone number and see who it is. Sometimes, as they don’t have all the numbers  used by cold callers.

The website also lists recent numbers people checked up on and lists some recent scams you should be aware of.

Many cold callers block their ID so you can’t know the number they are calling from, but if you have the type of phone that lets you block callers – then block all calls where the caller ID is withheld.

Or alternatively, a simple remedy to caller withheld is just don’t answer the call.

There are other website that also let you do reverse telephone number lookups, such as





So, if you want to know who’s calling you and they won’t say – then try one of these websites.