Tag: fake watches

Fake Watches Are Big Business


Over the past few weeks, Brooklands Radio station has received hundreds of emails trying to sell fake watches. These are harmless as they are so obvious.

But it is odd that specific scams and spams  appear and become very common very quickly then disappear for a period only to reappear in a different guise later on. This is a very common one currently.

Marketing people tell you to vary your sales pitch and try different versions to see what works and these scammers seem to have read those Marketing books.

We received similar emails selling fake watches but with a variety of titles – some nothing to do with watches – just something to make the recipient open the email message.

Titles such as

Impress your co-workers with a fine new watch

Or Rolex doesn’t want you to see our prices

Or Economy uncertain – copy watches are the way to go

Or Diamonds at a steal

Or Green dial submariner at a steal

Or No-one will believe its fake

Or Cheapest luxury items

Or Start off with a new hobby

Or Its dream time for those who cannot afford


Selling fake watches is of course illegal even if you tell people the watches are copies or fakes it’s but presumably big business based on the number of emails being sent out about the watches. Remember that such sales may fund more serious illegal activities.