Tag: fake insurance claim

Car Accident Cold Callers

The Fightback Ninja says:-

I have been receiving car accident cold calls recently.

I haven’t had any accidents – Ninja’s never do.

So, my mobile number must have got onto a scammers call list, sadly.

Katie phoned me. Probably a fake name.

“My name is Katie and I’m calling about your recent car accident”.

It’s nice to talk with you Katie. So, which accident was that then Katie?

“The car accident”.

Yes. So, which one was that?

She obviously didn’t like my response and put the phone down.

Then there was Abbey.

“Hello. My name is Abbey and I’m calling from Sunshine Advisors. We’re calling about your recent car accident”

Right. Hello Abbey. Sunshine Advisors – that’s a good name.

“About your accident which was not your fault.”

That accident?

“If you give me the details of your car and when the accident happened we can start the recovery process to get you damages.”

Right. That sounds good.

She didn’t respond.

What accident are we talking about then Abbey?

She put the phone down. They recognise when you know it’s a scam and believe it’s better to move onto a new victim than play a dead hand.

If you have the time, it’s fun to play along and waste their time – make up answers. There’s no need to be truthful as they called you to lie to you.

  1. What do they want?
  2. Usually these are for fake insurance claims for something like whiplash which is very difficult to disprove. Sometimes they are just phishing for your personal details to sell on.

Whatever they want – do not tell them anything personal as you may regret it.

Do you have an opinion on this matter? Please comment in the box below.

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