So, what rubbish emails and calls have there been to Brooklands Radio station in the last few days?
A 50 year old diabetic woman named Rachel discovered that adding an unusual cooking oil to her diet made her lose 35 lbs in 33 days and cured her diabetes – These scammers have fertile imaginations and they assume everyone is as dumb as they are.
The Central Bank of Benin has approved release of an inheritance fund worth $4.5 million to me by means of an ATM card. I just need to send them my name, address, phone number etc. So, how can they approve release of funds to me if they don’t even know my name?
The email title is “Destroy your ringing ears by eating this for breakfast”. Apparently it completely cures tinnitus within a few hours. I assume there are many people suffering from tinnitus as there are a great many of these ridiculous messages claiming magical cures. Sadly, of course they are all just a con.
Lucy Strokes tells me that if I eat this product she is selling then I will lose 52 lbs of pure fat in a month. I’ve seen claims of 35 lb in a month but this is the first one over 50 lbs. Any bets that soon some moron scammer will break the record by claiming 100 lbs of fat lost in a month?
Yet another fake diabetes cure – this one claims 17,542 people have succeeded with this method so far. But only 96% are completely cured apparently. Shame about the 4% – more especially shame on anyone who responds to this rubbish.
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