Sherry from a company in Guangdong wants to take our order for slippers or fashion lines, home necessities or pretty much anything else. Her email is Noname3@… which shows she is a very lazy scammer, not bothered to make the senders email address match the claimed name. However she wants to be contacted on WhatsApp rather than email. Seems rather unlikely we will do that.
An email from ‘Aileen’ says they know we are looking for an EV vehicle partner in our area and they can be the ideal partner as they have multi channel access to supplies (i.e. the scammer shops in more than one supermarket), affordable prices (sky high of course), fast delivery (delivery by container ship from China always takes the same length of time) etc. Very strange. Its hard to imagine m ore than one in a million would have any interest in such an email. Perhaps this scammer sent out billions of emails – that is quite possible to do. Just a scammer.
Mark Stanley’s email asks if “this product” is still available. Just a dumb attempt to get people to click a link and “this product” actually links to which is some random website in Germany. I wont be clicking that .
“Rumours say Donald Trump called a secret emergency meeting at the White House after learning about this weirdo device”. That opening line may have worked a few years ago as the email title leading to a scam. But it’s just a bit out of date now – perhaps the scammer thought why not try anyway or maybe was too stupid to realise she should reread old scam messages rather than just repeatedly sending them out. Either way – it’s very stupid.
How about an investment in eCommerce with “conservative potential returns of over 1000%”. Its about people trying to create a new business to business ecommerce platform. Trouble is that thousands of other people are trying to do the same and more than 99% will fail. Perhaps a small number will succeed but spotting those among the vast majority who fail and lose everything is no easy task. Not for me
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