“Ground Power Generator” can harvest the power of the earth’s core and is so easy to build that a Grandma can do it. To give you free electricity for ever. This is one of many supposed devices for generating electricity free of charge. There are many real ways to generate electricity – from solar panels to windmills to biomass burners. But don’t trust emails or adverts claiming some magical new method – they are always fake.
A series of duplicate emails arrives from someone claiming to be “FROM: FORMER PRESIDENT OF REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA, MR. YAHYAH JAMMEH”. He has chosen me to help him move $900 million from Gambia using my bank account and I will be paid 30% of the total. Clearly I need to negotiate a larger percentage – how about 120,000 % of the total. The scammer is clearly so dumb he might agree. Shame the money is fictitious.
There are endless scammers offering magical ways to lose weight with no effort. Many use magical drinks or even water based methods that take just minutes per day or even just 1 minute per day. This latest scammer clearly thinks that takes too long as her magical remedy is water and the hack takes just 3 seconds to make you lose 67 lb. Pathetic.
The scam message offers the opportunity to ‘Find Your Home Loan Today’ but it’s just a link to a fake website setup to steal the details you enter in looking for a home loan. Never provide personal or financial information on a web site without out being sure it is safe to do so.
An email tells me I have just won £750,000 on the Swiss lottery. There is a Swiss lottery but prizes are not denominated in pound sterling so it’s an obvious fake message. Plus the email address I am supposed to contact to receive the winnings is lotteryswisss.com. Only a scammer would spell ‘Swiss’ with three letter s at the end. If you haven’t bought a ticket for a lottery then you cannot possibly have won it.