The floods of 419 scams continue, not even stopping over the Christmas period. Latest one states “It interests me to contact you after my investigations on your capability and Sincerity.”. Obviously lies as the email is to Good Friend therefore the scammer does not know my name and of course has sent the same email to many millions of people. Pathetic.
Jacob Ngalle is the fake name on an email with an Excel attachment. That spreadsheet contains malware intended to infect your computer so it’s the scammer’s job to get you to download it. This scammer’s message has lots of reference numbers and ID codes in the title to try (very badly) to make the message look genuine. The body of the message tells us to open the attached debit note. The bottom of the message looks like a badly photocopied logo belonging to possibly a genuine company. The whole email is lies of course.
“Notice of your Settlement” is the title of another 419 scam email. It goes on about how the African scammers have been caught and I am due recompense of $28,500,000 for dealing with scammers and imposters. I just have to send my payment details to Ernest Dio who is the General manager, United Bank for Africa, New York Branch. However, he has a Gmail account so cannot be the General Manager – just another pathetic scammer.
A congratulatory email from ASDA supermarkets to say they have a surprise for me this year. The message goes on to say “Customer No. 324304 – congrats, you’ve been selected”. The email system recognises there is hidden Slovenian language in the message and the title has a lot of random letters in it. A poor attempt by a dumb scammer.
An email supposedly from Rev. Father Abraham Smith who claims to a philanthropist and CEO of The Rev. Father Abraham Smith Foundation Charitable Foundation. Good to have the word Foundation in twice. He has decided to donate lots of money to random people including giving me $5,300,000. Obviously pathetic lies and the link to click is to a form asking for personal details which can be sold to other scammers and identity thieves. I wont be filling that in.
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