There is yet another magic method for generating electrical power in the home so that you never need pay power bills again.
This one doesn’t invoke Tesla or any other dead scientists and it doesn’t invoke Bill Gates or any other technology giant alive today as most of these scam messages do.
Instead it says
“After being hit 12 times by lightning … this man discovers an energy source 12x times more powerful than solar panels”
The phrase “12 x more powerful than solar panels” is entirely meaningless.
Anyone hit by lightning repeatedly must figure they are in the wrong place at the wrong time too often and do something about it. But not this guy – he just carries on getting struck.
But something magical happens and the thought occurs to him that static electricity can be powerful stuff so why not harness it to make electricity?
This is laughable but the scammer then switches to conspiracy mode to convince us.
“As you can imagine – power companies were not happy about this… I hope this video is still going to be up for a few more days … so more people can benefit from his insane discovery”
I doubt the power companies have the slightest interest in such drivel and I hope that no-one falls for this rubbish.
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