“Do This Dental Trick To Get Rid of Tooth Decay For Ever”. This email title is a usual scammer claim. They pick a problem that affects a lot of people e.g. tooth decay then claim a magic trick of some kind will solve the problem instantly.
These sorts of messages are always lies, but people are sometimes desperate for a solution and click the links to try to find it.
Sadly, they find irrelevant rubbish – sometime the links are to video clips they would never have chosen to watch but the scammer gets paid by the click so doesn’t care. Sometimes to scam websites and other times to an actual product which has a high price and turns out to be totally useless. You cannot complain to the scammer as they will have changed their name, web site, product etc. and appear in a new guise to con more people.
Common sense should tell anyone that the only way to get rid of tooth decay for ever is to get rid of their teeth. Dentures don’t get tooth decay but that is an extreme remedy.
Don’t be conned
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