Selling products online on eBAY or other auction platforms or direct selling by website can be fraught with difficulties, but there is a new scam using a courier charge.
The scammer poses as a buyer, sends an email to the seller, agreeing to buy the item at full price. They state that they are unable to collect the item themselves and will arrange for a courier to pick it up instead.
The fraudster then sends a fake payment confirmation email from a different email address, one which falsely claims to be from a payment platform such as PayPal. In the course of the email exchange, the seller/victim is requested to pay the courier fee. Once the payment is made the contact is broken, the item is not picked up and the money paid for the ‘courier’ is gone.
An example of a recent such email :
“I want you to consider this a deal as i am willing to pay your full asking price! i actually want to buy it for a family member who is urgently in need of it, i have checked through your posting and i’m fully satisfied with it. Unfortunately, i would not be able to come personally to view/collect, i work offshore as an instructor on a oil rig so i dont have time at all, but like i said i am 100% OK with the advert”
Protect Yourself:
Be wary when buyers wish to purchase items at the full asking price without viewing them.
Check the validity of the payment receipt confirmation – logon to your account and check.
Online feedback on the buyer will give you useful information about recent transactions other buyers/sellers have made.