Tag: porn site tracking

Do Porn Sites Track You

This is about the digital footprints you leave behind on every web site you visit and whether or not porn sites track you.

A digital footprint is the unique set of traceable digital actions, information and communication left behind on the Internet or on digital devices.

Digital footprints can be Passive I.e. the data is collected without your knowledge or Active I.e. you leave personal data such as your name and login.

Even in incognito mode, you will be leaving digital footprints behind you and hence it is possible that  at some point your porn viewing history may be tracked and could possibly be published. If your name is not attached to the information then there’s no problem but if someone tracked you sufficiently to be able to identify you then that information becomes much more potentially embarrassing.

On some sites you visit, adverts targeted at you will appear e.g. you look at shoes on Amazon then the next site you visit shows adverts for those shoes. This kind of tracking is for marketing purposes and is very common. But that same technology can simply collect your information and we all know computer data leaks are far from rare.

Some porn sites use Google Analytics or similar for tracking and some use specific porn trackers, such as pornvertising. As you browse, information is sent out to third part companies with that tracking data for them to build up.

There are very few cases where porn sites have used this information to the detriment of their users, but the case of Ashley Madison where all of their subscriber information was released by hackers onto the Internet shows the dangers.

Beware and certainly don’t give any personal information to such sites.

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