“Millionaires Want to Ban This Video – Watch it Now”.
That’s the message title to catch people’s attention and get them to read the message.
It goes on to claim that millionaires want the video banned because too many people are becoming rich and that the video will soon be banned due to its controversial content because wealthy people are furious that these secrets have been made public.
These sorts of phrases are standard scammer fare and surely everyone has seen enough of this type messages to recognise it as laughable?
In early 2020, there were 2,095 dollar billionaires in the world and approximately 47 million dollar millionaires.
That’s a lot of millionaires and as more are created – it doesn’t hurt those currently sitting on millions.
The routes people use to become millionaires are many and varied – from inheriting property or wealth, to writing hit music, to inventing things, to writing software, to selling goods, to making investments, to stealing, to growing illegal drugs, to building a business, to social media influencing, to making YouTube videos, to being a film star, to being a sports star and so.
There are no secrets common to all millionaires.
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