You receive an email from “Investigations and Enforcement Services”
It states “We have received criticism about your company which indicates corporate misconduct.
This may cover
- Causing significant harm to customers, suppliers etc.
- Breaking a law e.g. fake
- Serious misconduct e.g. company resources have not been used acceptably
- Having a notable dishonesty in its affairs
As part of this process we have made our own background research and if it appears to be in the public interest, we can apply to the court to wind up the company and stop it trading.
Your inquiry number: 58CMZ1A59
The email continues in this manner with links to terms and condition and an advert for the Government Digital Service and a Crown Copyright notice.
This is just a scam of course.
The email is actually from mail, not the government.
There is no such thing as Investigation and Enforcement Services.
The idea of sending a complaint warning notice then listing 4 possible reasons rather than specifying the actual reason is just ridiculous.
It’s just a way to get you to click on their link and provide them with information they can sell.
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