Tag: caller

Callers Who Know Your Details

Most callers have no information about you save for a name and the telephone number and sometimes not even a name. But sometimes you get a caller who knows a lot about you and pretends to be confirming information – probably pretending to be from the local council or government or some other authority or even a utility company or a company such as Microsoft or BT etc.

Their information could have come from any number of sources e.g. from a data breach at a company you do business with or from rifling through your rubbish bin or from hacking your emails or just from the Electoral Register.

Don’t be conned into believing it’s safe to confirm information they appear to have – they are practiced at asking questions that lead you to believe they know more than they actually do.  The more information you give them the easier it is for them to defraud you.

  1. Review what information the caller has and where it may have come from.
  2. If necessary, contact your bank, credit card supplier etc. to check for suspicious activity
  3. Review your online logins and passwords and whether any should be changed

What can you do to protect yourself?

Monitor your bank accounts, credit cards, investments, etc., on a weekly basis if possible. Follow up on any unexpected transactions and contact the relevant bank, card supplier etc. if you are concerned.