Joseph Nauber offers a business loan or seed capital for my project and claims to be from Prime Financial Advisers – an investment brokerage firm. But his email address is abc@ which is obviously a made up email address not one for someone senior at a brokerage firm, plus he doesn’t even know my name.
Peter Walton’s message says that Donald Trump has just set in motion one of the most terrible events in human history – an event foretold 2,500 years old. Then he claims the documentary he can show you has been banned in most states. Typical scammer old testament rubbish aimed at conspiracy nuts and Christian extremists.
An advert for an “insane” invention that turns your slow Wi-Fi into a next generation high speed line. Its called WiFiBoost. But it’s just the same kit you can get in any gadget shop or large supermarket that lets you use the mains wiring in your home for sending wi-fi signals. Nothing special except a much higher price than elsewhere.
You too can ‘Trade Like a Pro’ according to the latest email from postmaster@ Discover a smarter and simpler way to trade using “our patented copy feature”. Nope – just the usual rubbish trying to cheat people already struggling in the financial markets.
“Avoid Bread! Except for this unique delicious bread”. An interesting opening line in this scam message, but uses the scammer trick of telling you something commonplace is bad for you and only this email contains the answer. It claims that bread has a hidden compound that makes it impossible for you to lose weight, but there is a magic bread perfected by her friend Kelly Herring over 10 years – click to find out. No thanks. I make my own Ninja warrior bread.
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