Stupidest Spam of the Week Magic Fruit

There are endless health remedy scams – everything from lost Tibetan herbs that make you superhuman to teas that cure cancer to vegetables that reverse every known ailment and so on with whatever fantasy remedy the scammers can think up.

Everyone beyond a certain age has vision problems – usually correctable with spectacles but for some much more severe.

This latest scam is about a magic fruit – one slice before bed each night will give you a sudden 100% improvement in your eyesight. ”imagine being able to see twice as well, instantly”.

The phrase ‘see twice as well’ doesn’t really have any meaning as it depends which facet of sight is being talked about.

The email goes into raptures about doctors falling off their chairs after this fruit fixed people’s eyes in just 15 minutes.

The picture of the fruit is a little odd as it is deliberately out of focus but appears to be a fig. Nice though they are, there’s nothing magical about figs and they certainly don’t fix long term eyesight problems instantly.

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