Government Cyber Resilience Centres

The UK government has assorted plans to do with beefing up cyber resilience as businesses and other organisations across the country increasingly come under attack from hackers.

The government’s creation of local centres for cyber resilience is progressing well.

The Cyber Resilience Centre for the South East (SECRC) is part of the national roll out of Cyber Resilience Centres in the UK which began in 2019.

Lead by Policing, and facilitated by Business Resilience International Management (BRIM), they say that they have followed a structured modular programme based on a highly successful model that had previously been established for over 9 years in Scotland.

They work in structured partnership with regional Policing, Academia, Businesses, Third and Public Sector organisations through a variety of ways:

  1. Security Awareness Training

This is focused on those with little or no cyber security or technical knowledge

  1. Corporate Internet Investigation

This service may be used to learn what is being said on the internet about an organisation, what information employees are releasing, or if there are any damaging news stories, social media posts or associations.

  1. Individual Internet Investigation

These investigations gather information that can be used to support pre-employment checks, to manage potential threats to a Director of an organisation or their families, or to understand more about a specific person of interest.

  1. Remote Vulnerability Assessment

These assessments focus on identifying weaknesses in the way your organisation connects to the internet. Service reporting will provide a plain language interpretation of the results and how any vulnerabilities might be used by an attacker, as well as simple instructions on how any vulnerabilities might be fixed.

  1. Internal Vulnerability Assessment

The assessment will scan and review your internal networks and systems looking for weaknesses such as poorly maintained or designed systems, insecure Wi-Fi networks, insecure access controls, or opportunities to access and steal sensitive data.

  1. Web App Vulnerability Assessment

This service assesses your website and web services for weaknesses. The service reporting will describe in plain language, what each weakness means to your business and the risks associated with each. Service reporting will include plans and guidance on how to fix those weaknesses.

  1. Security Policy Review

This is a review of your current security policy, how it is written and how it is implemented.

  1. Cyber Business Continuity Review

This service offers a review of your business continuity planning and the resilience of your organisation to cyber-attacks such as ransomware or when attackers take control of your core systems.  is the south east SERCR

There are equivalent centres in other regions of the country.

If you have any experiences with this do let me know, by email.

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