Category: Scam email

Stupidest Scam or Spam of the Week PayPal Fakes

More than four hundred million people now use PayPal for paying on line so scammers target those users with their phishing scams and fake websites.

Most scammers just copy a typical message from PayPal – use the correct layout, grammar, logo, safety messages etc.

But some are as dumb as dog dirt and send ridiculous messages that are obviously fake.

This latest scammer uses terrible grammar, nothing copied from a real PayPal email message and the text makes no sense.

The message is addressed to “USER”

Your request is pending of your $805.78”.

“If you have not done this then reach us”.

“It will take 2-3 working days to reflect on your statement”.

“Item: HP Deskjet 2050S wifi inkje status: Pending”.

The top of the message says it’s from Pay-Pay and the bottom says its from Pay-Pal.

Both are incorrect as it’s a from a Gmail account which means it’s from a person (i.e. a scammer) not a business.

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