An email supposedly from ‘Your Painful Joints’ but is really from arthritis
The xyz domain is meant to be used for organisations that do not fit in the normal categories of business, personal, charity, blogs etc. and does not match a specific domain suffix such as .london or .net or .road
In this case it’s almost certainly used as it’s an easy and cheap one for scammers to buy, whereas some domains are restricted on who can buy them.
The subject is “#1 worst fruit for arthritis & inflammation (do not eat)’
It goes on about how the author’s best friend is a doctor who cured himself of arthritis and now wants to give away free books about how to reverse arthritis.
It also says that he cured himself by just not eating 7 specific foods.
If so, that would make for a very short book as it only needs one page – the list of those foods.
In reality, it’s just a phishing scam trying to get people’s names and addresses to sell on to other scammers.
There is lots of information about arthritis on the Internet and in books and about which foods can affect it and so on – no need to resort to unknown people peddling rubbish by email.
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