In the UK, nearly 60% of women have tried to lose weight in the last year and the same is true of about 40% of men.
This is largely because 57% of women are overweight or obese and so are 66% of men.
Clearly there is a very big problem.
The easy availability and affordability of high calorie foods, busy lifestyles with little time for any exercise, comfortable cars and heavy advertising of delicious but unhealthy foods have led most of us to be far too fat.
We turn to diets and exercise and try to find that magic approach that leads to the pounds falling off but takes little will power or self-denial.
So in step the criminals. They know we want a magic answer so they offer one.
It may be a magic ingredient known only to the Incas or some new scientific find or an old wives story or a lost Tibetan plant or a secret kept by the government or an ancient invention kept hidden by the diet industry or a simple set of exercises or some new piece of technology or an APP or anything.
They don’t care what the product is – just as long as gullible people buy into it.
And sadly they do – in that search for better health and a better body.
The only methods that work for losing weight are to increase your exercise and cut down on consumption of calories. Joining a club, following your doctor’s advice, following one of the few tested and proven diets and generally eating healthily will help.
But, there is no magic answer – it took time to put on the weight and will always take time and effort to shift it off.
Be sensible and don’t listen to gurus, advertisement, spam emails etc. They only relieve you of the money in your wallet not the pounds on your waistline.
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