An emailer claiming to be Harry H. says he has seen my profile and wonders if I have a relative named George. This is clearly fake as he doesn’t know my name. The message is a give-away as it says ‘confirm that this email address is valid and secure for communication’. The point of the message is just to confirm it’s an active email address so he can sell it for a higher price on a spam email address list.
It’s rare for the radio station to get spam emails from a German email address and partially in German. This one seems to be from a car dealer claiming we need to pay the attached invoices, but the attachments are clearly fake as the file extension doesn’t match the actual document types. Plus, we haven’t bought any cars. Why send such messages to people with UK email addresses – probably just in the hope they will open the attachments to see what they are and the result would be an infected computer. Bad news.
“213,508 do it every morning”. That’s according to a scammer trying to interest me in a sunrise ritual that will make my body drop 2lbs by dinner each and every day. The figure is just a random number invented by the scammer who then claims that the weight loss industry is trying to keep this secret. People get desperate to find an easy way to lose weight but there is no easy way – eat less and exercise more is the only answer.
An email claims yet another new way to manifest everything you want in life and this one promises you have to do almost nothing. It has a ‘brand new piece of technology’ that will solve all of your problems – enabling you to manifest everything you’ve been dreaming of. I dream of a world without all of the heartless scammers and fraudsters – wouldn’t that be so much better. Shame it can’t be made true doing almost nothing.
HSBC tell me I have received a transfer of £3,400 and I just need to confirm the transaction by clicking the link and following instructions. This is all fake of course as the link to makes it obvious.
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