In the last 6 months, more than 61,959 people have been using this new Paleo cookbook and you can get a free copy delivered to your home in return for just your address. These kinds of emails quoting overly exact figures are always scams. Sometimes large businesses will send out free books etc. as part of a Marketing campaign but this scammer is just after your name and address which she can sell to other criminals.
Oh NO! An email warns me that a green veggie is making my diabetes a living hell and that it is banned in Europe. I just have to click the link to see the absolute proof. No thanks. I don’t have diabetes and there is no such vegetable.
A nice person tells me I am a beautiful soul and I am meant to manifest wealth and prosperity this month. Also, that the struggles in my life have been preparing me for this moment in my life when everything I want will come true. What I want is to catch this scammer and put her in jail for trying to con people.
Wow. David Allen M.D. has come across a secret resource used by doctors to treat themselves when mainstream medicine doesn’t work. It’s filled with scientific proof for each remedy and treats the root of any problem – not just the symptoms. I must click the link to get a copy of this wonderful book. I am laughing too much to continue this ridiculous story. Pathetic in the extreme.
I’ve been sent a link to a secret video that shows the 3 point death touch that anyone can use to protect themselves from any bad guy with almost no training. Rubbish like this occurs in bad martial arts films but not in real life and supposedly teaching people by video how to disarm a man with a gun would be a terrible idea.
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