The email title is “Rewrite Your Genetic Destiny”
That’s quite a claim.
It continues
If you’ve struggled with your finances your whole life and still haven’t gotten any closer to ‘living the dream’ then
Blame your parents
Then there’s a link to a report that proves that fears can be inherited through the generations.
Now there is recent scientific research on mice that shows that certain reactions can be passed on from one generation to the next in specific circumstances and there is research on people using data from around World War II that shows that certain environmental circumstances can have an effect on the next generation.
However, that is about very specific circumstances and cannot be generalised and applied to anything people see fit to invent.
The email continues with
Every negative trait that stands in the way of you achieving your dream life was more than likely inherited from your parents. The negative programming has been quite literally been encoded into your genes.
None of this is true. As is often the case, people jump on a fragment of science and use it out of context to supposedly prove whatever their point is.
The email concludes with
This free report reveals the secret to rewriting your genetic code and activating the dormant ‘wealth factor’ in your DNA
Obviously, there is no such thing as a wealth factor in DNA.
This is complete rubbish. It’s just a scam.
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