Tag: criminal

Stop-Scammers Has a Database of Female Scammers


This website is all about female scammers who lure men into fake relationships in order to scam money from them. The site has an impressive amount of information including over ninety thousand photos of scammers, twelve thousand scam letter sets and seventeen thousand published reports.

Stop-Scammers.com says it is the place to find the most up-to-date information on female scammers anywhere in the world. The database lists known scammers together with corroborating evidence like correspondence, photos, countries of known operation and documentation commonly used by these international thieves.


There are many scenarios including she feigns  illness and needs money for treatment, or she needs money to fly to meet you but the most common is called the standard scenario.


The scammer maintains regular correspondence but all of the letters have only general content, lacking in details. After a few letters, she needs to start getting money from you. Maybe to buy a computer or to pay a fine or for a language course – could be any reason. She may claim her money was stolen or that she has to escape from her home. Whatever the reason – she wants money and as long as you keep providing it then the relationship continues. As soon as you stop paying, the relationship stops and you won’t hear from her again


Go to http://fightbackonline.org/index.php/guidance/19-websites-and-resources/21-website-of-female-scammers-stop-scammers-com  for further information.