Stupidest Spam of the Week Vegetable Diabetes

There are so many scam messages about diabetes and some magic new cure that it must be difficult for scammers to think up more angles on the same basic story.

Diabetes types I and II are a scourge of the Western world and getting worse, so it’s an obvious choice for scammers to offer fake cures.

This latest scam has the subject line: “Green veggies are supposed to be good for you, right?”

And it goes on about a vegetable you think would help in the battle against diabetes but is actually the cause of it.

There is a list of vegetables and you are supposed to click on the one you think is the culprit.

All of the links are the same however, so it doesn’t matter which you click on – you end up at the same scam page.

Diabetes is where the body has difficulty processing sugar in the blood and producing insulin to control the level of sugar in the blood.

Now, all green vegetables contain only small amounts of fruit sugar so cannot possibly be an issue with diabetes.

The sweetest green vegetable is peas which contains around 6g of sugar per 100g.

On food packaging labels, the foods with more than 22 g of sugar per 100g are considered as high in sugar and 6g per 100 is considered very low.

Stupid scammer.

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