There are lots of scammers offering magic remedies for any kind of eye problems and this is one of the stupidest circulating currently.
The title of the email is ‘Windows Cleaner Trick for Your Eyes’.
It’s claim is about an ‘eye vitamin’ which has been recently discovered but also says that many baseball players have used this for a long time.
Both claims cannot be true.
Supposedly it takes just 15 minutes after taking the vitamin for your eyesight problems to clear up.
Eye problems have many different causes. For example:- some people have slightly misshapen eyes and hence need glasses. How can taking a vitamin magically change the shape of their eyes? Not possible.
There is no such vitamin as the eye vitamin. Most people who eat a reasonable diet get all of the vitamins they need and taking vitamins only has an effect if you are short of the vitamin concerned.
The message tells the story of Richard, aged 60, who has chucked away his glasses.
All just made up rubbish.
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