Lots of scammers offer magical answers to finding your perfect partner, curing cancer, becoming insanely wealthy, gaining limitless confidence etc.
Usually, they concentrate on one such scam at a time, but this latest moron wants to throw in everything she has ever heard of, at the same time.
So, the email offers all of this:
- Find your perfect partner
- Financial abundance
- All worries removed
- Understand yourself perfectly
- Change any aspect of your personality instantly
- Cure any health problems
How does she do this? Clearly it would be impossible unless you found a genie willing to grant three wishes and that’s a little unlikely.
But she says her answer incorporates God’s teaching, Quantum mechanics, ancient prophecies and vibrational tuning.
She forgot to include Reiki healing, alien teachings and fairy dust but maybe they’ll be in her email.
This is the dumbest load of rubbish in an email in a long time and clearly only for the most gullible people.
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