Cyber Security Checklist

IT Governance is a leading global provider of cyber risk and privacy management solutions, with a special focus on cyber resilience, data protection, PCI DSS, ISO 27001 and cyber security.

  1. Staff awareness training

Human error is the leading cause of data breaches, so you need to equip staff with the knowledge to deal with the threats they face.

Staff awareness training will show staff how security threats affect them and help them apply best-practice advice to real-world situations.

  1. Application security

Web application vulnerabilities are a common point of intrusion for cyber criminals.

As applications play an increasingly critical role in business, it is vital to focus on web application security.

  1. Network security

Network security is the process of protecting the usability and integrity of your network and data. This is achieved by conducting a network penetration test, which scans your network for vulnerabilities and security issues.

  1. Leadership commitment

Leadership commitment is the key to cyber resilience. Without it, it is very difficult to establish or enforce effective processes. Top management must be prepared to invest in appropriate cyber security resources, such as awareness training.

  1. Password management

You should implement a password management policy that provides guidance to ensure staff create strong passwords and keep them secure.

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