Category: information

Fightback Ninja Signature

Paying on Shopify Sites

Shopify is a software service used for building and running online shops.

It has about 20% of the market currently and is very popular for its reliability, ease of use and pricing.

As a user, you don’t need to know the technology used by your favourite retailers with their online shops – just that it is safe.

Shopify sites typically use one or more of the following payment services

  • Shopify
  • Shop Pay
  • Paypal
  • Google Pay
  • Apple Pay
  • Amazon Pay

The built in Shopify Pay service is easiest for the retailer, but they can choose what they want.

Recently, Shopify created the Shop app to put hundreds of thousands of independent merchants in one convenient app. If you buy using the Shop App, they say that your card information is already encrypted and protected.

The app also allows split payments e.g. pay by instalments, which seems to becoming increasingly popular as a way of avoiding credit card interest payments.

You choose how you want to pay.

If you have any experiences with these scams do let me know, by email.

Fightback Ninja Signature

Premium Rate Phone Numbers

Premium rate numbers are the ones where you get charged for calling.

These are prefixed with 09, 118, 0871, 0872 and 0873.

Prefix Description Cost from landlines per minute Cost from mobiles per minute
070 Personal or ‘follow me’ numbers regulated by the Phone-paid Services Authority 4p to £3.40 (plus a possible 51p per call) 30p to £2.50 (plus a possible 51p per call)
09 Premium rate numbers regulated by the Phone-paid Services Authority up to £3.60 and your phone company’s access charge, plus 5p to £6 per call up to £3.60 and your phone company’s access charge, plus 5p to £6 per call
118 Directory enquiry numbers regulated by the Phone-paid Services Authority up to £5 and your phone company’s access charge, plus possibly up to £6.98 per call up to £5 and your phone company’s access charge, plus possibly up to £6.98 per call


Take care when phoning any of the numbers – the costs can add up rapidly.

Fightback Ninja Signature

The Psychological Basis for Scams

It’s easy to assume that people who are scammed either didn’t pay enough attention to the details or were too trusting, but that’s not usually the case.

Anyone can be tricked and although some scammers are as dumb as dirt, there are many who are very professional about the methods they use to con innocent people.

Different types of scams may exploit different aspects our personality, but there are common features to most scams, including:

  • Appeals to trust and authority – scammers claim to be from government departments, driver licensing, utility suppliers, major brands, the tax office etc.
  • Visceral triggers i.e. anything that creates desire or greed, or the avoidance of pain, happiness etc.
  • Herd validation e.g. testimonials from people who have bought the product and tell how wonderful it is
  • A huge payment in return for a small cost
  • Scarcity i.e. the product is only available now and will soon be gone
  • Conspiracy theories e.g. an array of lawyers are trying to get this website taken down

These factors may push the victim to ignore any consequences and the risk involved and instead focus on the potential high rewards.

The key message for people wanting to stay safe from such scams is simply to consider carefully and not be pushed into precipitate action. Is the offer genuine or much more likely to be a scam? Is it to good to be true? If yes then it’s a scam.

Fightback Ninja Signature

Email Address Scrapers

You may wonder how scammers and spammers get your email address.

They have a variety of means – from searching official records to scanning social media posts to simply making them up and then seeing if anyone responds to emails at those addresses.

One method commonly used is scanning websites looking for email addresses, making them into lists and selling them to other scammers and spammers.

One such set of tools are called Email Scrapers or Email Extractors.

A recent message from one operation selling this kind of software tells me:

  • Our software will enable you to scrape and extract business contact details into an EXCEL spreadsheet
  • It’s like having a thousand data entry clerks creating information for you
  • Cut your costs in these difficult times

It isn’t illegal to copy email addresses from  websites but it is illegal to send marketing messages to anyone who hasn’t given permission for that.

These services claim to capture only business email addresses but that’s a straightforward lie. The software finds any email address on the searched pages and does not care what is a business address and what isn’t

If you buy these spam lists from such operations, you will end up with a mix of business and personal email addresses plus fake email addresses and dead email addresses.

Plus, sending messages to those addresses is illegal.

Do not do it – it will simply make the recipients hate you for the spammer you are.

If you have any experiences with these scams do let me know, by email.

Fightback Ninja Signature

The Do Not Disturb Function

Most smart phones have a Do Not Disturb function of some kind. This can be very useful for reducing the number of spam calls you get. When enabled, it mutes all calls, alerts and media sounds but you can set exceptions to that rule.

Android Phones Do Not Disturb

Go to Settings > Sound & Vibration > Do Not Disturb

This gives you the following options:

  • Turn on Now
  • Turn on as Scheduled
  • Allow Exceptions
  • APP Rules
  • Hide Visual Notifications

Under Allow Exceptions, you can choose to allow alarms only or customise so that for example repeat callers are OK or calls from specified people or messages from specified people are accepted etc.

Generally it gives you a more peaceful life until you turn it off again.

Apple Phones Do Not Disturb

This behaves in a similar way to on Android.

Go to Settings > Do Not Disturb

When Do Not Disturb is on, a crescent moon icon Do Not Disturb icon will be displayed in the status bar.

If you’ve set an alarm in the Clock app, the alarm will go off even when Do Not Disturb is on.

You can set Do Not Disturb to be on and off according to a schedule. This would for example give you a quiet period each day at the set times.

Under Silence, you can choose to silence calls and notifications at all times or only when the device is locked.

Under Allow Calls From, you can allow calls from everyone, no one, your favourites or specific contact groups stored on your device or iCloud.

If you have any better uses for Do Not Disturb, do let me know, by email.

Fightback Ninja Signature

What is Fleeceware

Fleeceware is the name for APPS that deliver some benefit but charge far too much compared to similar APPS. E.g. a basic flashlight APP for $10 when usually these are free or come pre-installed on your phone.

The problem is not that there is something malicious in these APPS – just that they are ripping people off.

Google and APPLE check all APPS for malware but don’t have such clear rules on value for money as that is a more personal choice. However, APPS that obviously rip people off do get banned by both Google and APPLE.

Usually these Fleeceware APPS have subscription charges or hidden charges or both and people sign up without realising they can get the same thing either free or at a much reduced price.

Sophos, an Internet security firm, found 25 such apps on Google Play that had a combined total of more than 600 million downloads. They also found 30 apps in the iOS App Store that can be considered Fleeceware APPS.

Scammers may choose any high selling APP where they can duplicate basic functionality easily and then con people into the high charges. To improve their ranking, they will also typically create zombie accounts and use those to post outstanding reviews of the APP.

Sometimes there is a free trial period listed on the adverts but the APP insists on payment on first use, or the adverts show a reasonable subscription charge annually but then the APP charges that same amount every month or has In APP charges that cannot be avoided etc.

Once installed, users may think that deleting the APP will stop the recurring charges, but this is often not the case and the charges continue.

Google has announced that it will tighten the rules on how introductory free subscriptions work and other ongoing costs and that cancellation must be simple and actioned by the APP supplier.

Apple’s guidelines for developers explicitly prohibit unreasonable pricing, bait-and-switch subscriptions, and scams. Apple also say that they will reject expensive apps that try to cheat users with irrationally high prices.

How to Avoid Fleeceware

First thing is to only download apps from the Android or APPLE shop and not from elsewhere unless it is guaranteed to be safe.

Before choosing any APP with costs, check around to see if it is the right price and whether there are better options available.

If you have any experiences with these scams do let me know, by email.

Fightback Ninja Signature