Note: this has been created from typical scammer activities and is not based on a specific scammer.
The first step is to buy a set of domain names from which to send out the emails. I could instead simply spoof the email addresses to look like they came from somebody else but I wont do that this time as it costs me. I will buy a series of random .xyz,and .bid and .icu domain names as anyone can buy these without being checked.
Next I need some new email lists – I could buy the expensive suckers list of people who been scammed before but I think I’ll pick a really cheap list that is no doubt 90% junk. So I’ll buy 25 million low quality email addresses for about $200.
I have several prepared scam messages which lead the “idiot” recipient to click a link expecting something wonderful but of course it’s scam so they get nothing.
Write my scam messages – probably with 3-5 different wordings used so I can see which ones get the most response (we scammers are often quite Marketing savvy).
Set-up email system to send out mass emailing in batches through several different Internet service providers, to try to prevent them blocking the emails as spam.
Setup the fake website to get people’s login and password and more details that can be sold to other scammers.
Send out mass email messages to the 25 million random people and then wait for responses, which may be:-
- Clicks on the links in the emails
- Email replies asking questions (these are ignored but anyone who replies means their address is active and can be sold for a higher price)
- Website action. Anyone who clicked the link and accessed the fake website will have been asked for their login and password. That can all be sold to other scammers. Lucky for me the world is full of decent trusting people I can scam.
The response rate to my messages is always extremely low – less than one in a thousand, but when you’re sending out millions of messages that’s just as well or I couldn’t cope with the floods of suckers responding.
Don’t let me scam you.
Stay Safe.
If you have any experiences with scammers, spammers or time-waster do let me know, by email.