Stupidest Spam of the Week The Oil Alliance

You read in the news of complex fraud cases where scammers have set up fake businesses and made deals with large companies and over the course of months swindled them out of millions.

This latest scammer seems to have been reading those stories and thinks she can do the same but without the months of preparation needed – just email some mugs and find some that want in to a shady mega bucks deal.

The email title is “Crude Oil Partnership”.

It starts “ATTN: CEO / Managing Director”.  “I have been motivated by your personal status and I have decided to approach you for a profitable partnership in a multi million dollar partnership in crude oil trading”.

There is a long involved story about how her company buys crude oil in Angola but has to buy through a 3rd party who have a government licence. The deal part is that she will help me to setup a company name and buy a licence at her expense. Then I can be the intermediary and will be paid $12 per barrel of oil purchased by her company.

With millions of barrels of oil involved that makes a big commission for me.

She also has the cheek to state “It is against my work ethics to benefit from my company’s dealings”.

Then goes to explain that she is near retirement so will take the profit for herself anyway.

The entire story is make-believe of course – probably some scammer sitting around, drinking with other criminals and invented this whole charade.

Her email address is which may sound impressive but is just a free email service anyone can use.


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