Protection Against Data Breaches

Company data breaches can cause a lot of damage – financial and otherwise to customers and to the reputation of the business. Some companies never recover from a large scale data breach, so it is vitally important to protect your business against the possibility.

Data breaches happen through targeted attacks, theft, or even by accident.

Typically, a hacker gains access to an organisation’s private network and then can steal information on staff, customers and suppliers or research in progress, product data etc.

These attacks can be quick or take a lot of preparation and may take months or even longer to detect or in some cases are never detected.

How to Protect Against Data Breaches

  • Take all cyber security steps necessary – preferably with a qualified expert in charge
  • Insist on strong passwords across the organisation as weak passwords are the easiest way for hackers to gain entry to the systems.
  • Staff training. All staff who use the computers need to know how to recognise phishing attempts by email and by phone.
  • Robust security procedures can reduce the likelihood of human error or oversight.
  • Up to date security systems and updates – unpatched software leaves an open door to hackers.
  • Hackers sometimes gain access to larger company systems by first targeting smaller companies that are supplier to the larger company. Take precautions.
  • Frequent reviews of all security processes and systems is essential as new flaws turn up every day.

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