We all see on the news that there is a worldwide shortage of personal protective equipment that will offer some level of protection against Coronavirus.
Governments, healthcare services and the public across the world are short of this kit or have limited supplies. Many companies are making more as fast as possible to supply the healthcare services in particular but some sell to the public.
Many scammers offer ridiculous supposed protection (such as lemon juice sprays), but there are also a lot of unscrupulous people offering protective equipment that either doesn’t exist or is such poor quality as to be worse than useless as they could give a false sense of protection.
Many offering genuine protective equipment are charging far too much – such is the greed of the human race.
Scammers typically offer:-
- Protective masks
- Face guards
- Medical gloves
- Medical aprons and gowns
- Hand sanitiser
- Anti-viral cleaning products
It can be difficult to identify the scammers as many legitimate suppliers of these goods are also advertising currently and some companies are now making and selling this kit who have never done so before.
Try wherever possible to buy from reputable sources and beware that hitherto unknown suppliers may well be fake and simply take your money or send out products that are so ineffective as to be dangerous.
Stay safe and follow your government’s guidelines.
If you have any experiences with scammers, spammers or time-waster do let me know, by email.